Razor Candi: Cyberpunk / Goth / Alternative adult model

Razor Candi

Cyberpunk Alternative adult model  Razor Candi in fishnet teasing open the silky edges of porn

Image: Razor Candi – Cyberpunk / Goth / Alternative adult model – All Rights Reserved


Part of a series of images from the liquid metal, carbo-plastic, hydrogel and permacrete core of visual creators on the Internet.  Images that stir my senses and evoke plots and concepts for what I’d like to see (or fear) in the future.

Somebody pinged me a link to this artist’s Facebook page, referencing my like for images by the model Terrorcat. Whereas Terrorcat conjures up pseudo-clubby characters that would stride around the fringes of the fetish scene with more glamour than grit, Razor Candi bristles with attitude.  And sex. Best example yet of the kind of urban character who could walk into a room with a 14mm Vortek Tactical A-Cannon clenched in one nail-polished hand, and not invoke a single pre-emptive strike from security until the first shot was fired. Well, in my mind at least.

Lacking only in visible cybernetic augmentation – or who knows, maybe those legs are fabricated from carbo-plastic with a super-realistic skin finish?  – as a character, she still carries forward an essence of the unlikely (but tough) street assassin. Skinny hungry.  There’s a predatory, smoldering disdain in those eyes that speak of a bruised childhood and an early fall from grace.  Killing you would be easy because her motivation stems from an anger that goes core deep.

Stepping away from the fictional waffle, the real human behind the fabric and the make-up has an interesting profile and state of mind.  An American now living in Romania.  Perhaps kissed by the old-Gods of Europe who once rode out on nocturnal wings across ancient barren mountains and fertile valleys soaked in the blood of wars.  You can read an interview with Razor Candi on Goth Times. And you should definitely check out Tumblr for more genre-defining icon-candy (note, those who don’t like adult-related content shouldn’t look). There is passion for self-expression as a form of art, and a playful tease with the concepts of adult imagery. Manipulation of the visible form as a weapon. You can find Razor Candi on Facebook.


Iron Man Project - a cyberpunk thriller by British sci-fi cyberpunk author David J Rodger

Available in paperback or kindle

Paperback : from LULU & kindle: US ($), UK (£), DE (Euro)

IRON MAN PROJECT { novel } Former special-forces operative, Vincent Brent, is tough, ruthless and highly trained; he’s now using his skills for whoever will pay him without cashing in the bounty on his head. In this world of the near future, the UN has failed. Wars are fought in boardrooms through attorneys and politics, and on our streets with private armies of military or criminal assets. In Sicily, Jean-Luc Korda, the Chief of Security for one such corporate alliance struggles to survive as hidden forces attempt to manipulate him for their own ends. Both these men find their fates intertwined. In the cross-hairs of powerful adversaries, they must both make decisions of life and death in a choice between command and conscience. David J Rodger delivers a palm-sweating ride in a complex novel that will keep you turning pages until the end.


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Cyberpunk culture today: GRIMES – plastic chics and male babes with medieval weapons and hair-extensions – freaking awesome


Cyberpunk culture today GRIMES - plastic chics and male babes with medieval weapons and hair-extensions - freaking awesome

Still from Genesis video by GRIMES – click for full size

Before I say anything else. Go to Amazon or  iTunes and buy this album – Visions, by Grimes. It’s phenomenal.  If you know me or are familiar with my blog you’ll know I don’t make recommendations lightly.  These guys like The Hacker’s album – Rêves Mécaniques – ingested through a sparkling haze of aerosol narcotics.

The video is from the single GENSIS (free download on soundcloud), taken from the Visions album.   Great visuals that are suitably edgy and memorable to do justice to the jaw-dropping native talent of the album and artists its representing.  This is great music but the video helps place it in the gritty gloss of tomorrow, embossing the sounds with the hallmark of Cyberpunk culture: 20 minutes into the future.

It’s David Lynch – Lost Highway – meets Olympic Airways by the Foals – just with more fake nails and lip gloss.  Sniff deep and suck hard on the gong-pipe.  This will make your face crease with a languid smile beneath half-lidded eyes.  


On a personal level, the sight of people so absorbed by alternative fashion that they appear almost alien – who are also riding around in combustion engine vehicles whilst carrying modern medieval weaponry – just captures the quintessential dichotomy of the world of Yellow Dawn.  Yellow Dawn is the Earth of the near future after a cataclysmic event delivers apocalyptic changes to life on the planet.  Survivors either cluster around a few Living Cities or cope with the new wilderness – bushcraft and patched-up technology.  But a video like this shows the almost freakish collision of city survivors heading out into the new wilderness.  Naive and thinking they can head out for some quick thrills facing off against a hostile environment or capable fear-junkies who have the ability to back up the action?  How well they cope depends on what kind of guides they’ve invested in, and what kind of jacked up biological systems they’ve got inside of them – thanks to bioweave implants or the more grungy, hardcore tech of cybernetics.

It’s also another stellar signing by those devilishly clever folks at 4AD (think Dead Can Dance and Clan of Xymox) and more recently the ludicrously talented Purity Ring.  Cyberpunk today. Yup. It’s happening super quick now.  We’re sliding towards a singularity of burned chrome.



Available in paperback or Amazon Kindle

Paperback: LULU & Amazon Kindle US ($), UK (£), DE (Euro), FR (Euro)

THE BLACK LAKE: The Earth has been ravaged by an event known as Yellow Dawn. Ten years later, survivors are putting lives back together and probing the frontiers of a new Wilderness; whilst overhead the orbital colonies slide across the sky, removed and unaffected. Five men leave the fortress island of Malta on an expedition to the sub-Arctic waters above Scotland. They intend to undertake scientific observations of an alien meteorological phenomenon that has followed the apocalyptic event. What they find is a cosmic horror that seethes amongst the shadows of a shattered Earth. It is a story of escape and wonder, of madness and terror. David J Rodger’s trademark unforgiving rendering of harsh reality, and relentless narrative pace, are here in palm-sweating abundance, delivered in a novel that tears open a rent in the boundary of reality, providing a nerve-jarring glimpse of the Outer Chaos and the horrors that lurk just beyond the threshold of our fragile, human existence.


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Cyberpunk Art ¦ Hand-crafted female simulacra with silk laced spine by Choi Xooang

Naked female simulacra with hand laced spinal silk by choi xooang

Image and Artwork by Choi Xooang – All Rights Reserved

Part of a series of images from the shadowy fringes of the Internet.  Visuals that stir my sense for the eerie and macabre.

Seoul based artist Choi Xooang makes incredible lifelike representations of the human form with often grotesque, disturbing or strikingly surreal…variations.  From groups of gossiping bipedal beings that leer with mouths without a face; through males who writhe with giant feet and monstrously large penis in full-erection; to eerily “perfect” formed vagina, proffered by contorted figures with legs splayed and forced back, exposing such parts to raw scrutiny, void of hair and glistening.  This isn’t pornography.  This is confrontation of cultural and social taboos. Choi Xooang exaggerates features as if using the transliterated graphic metaphor of coming after the viewer with a sledgehammer.

A candy-flesh wrapped lady for your wildest fantasy of gore, voyeurism and sex.


This particular image is one of the artist’s more subtle pieces. Woven into that subtlety is a darkness that can press a chill into the flesh of any warm-blooded human, and cause an ache of horror to throb through your bones. What kind of gift is this, where you can untie and unwrap the skin to feast upon naked muscle, blood vessels and nervous tissue?  That’s if there is anything organic beneath there at all. Regardless, you’re looking at the concept of creating something living to suit tastes of pleasure that are normally beyond the scope of what society offers up as “things to enjoy”.

Synthetic biology is emerging as the “industrial revolution” of the 21st Century. When oil giants create carnage with spills that devastate a hundred miles of coastline, they’re now turning to the bio-tech firms to “create” something that they can thrown into the sea to eat the oil.  Human endeavour will lead to increasingly complex organisms being developed.  We’re now trudging onto the first slabs of a path that will take us into extraordinary moral dilemma. Bladerunners – we salute you – we recruit you – we misunderstand our prejudice and are blind to the corporations who downsize ethics in the pursuit of profit.

I highly recommend you explore the visually stunning yet sometimes freakish art of Choi Xooang via official website.


British Sci-fi author David J Rodger - God Seed - cyberpunk cthulhu mythos fiction

A novel


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