Video Animation ¦ Ruin – a post apocalyptic short

A little under 10 minutes this is a wonderfully atmospheric cyberpunk post-apocalyptic short that plugs straight into your adrenal gland. Definitely make sure you’ve got big sound, full screen and a do-not-disturb holo hovering above your skull.

There’s a fantastic absence of dialogue, adding to the enigma of the story’s background: what is the character searching for and why did this happen? Is the character even human, or something else? Great sense of peril from the autonomous machine response.

It would fit seamlessly into the post-apocalyptic universe of Yellow Dawn – The Age of Hastur, except for the fact it shows nature having reclaimed the abandoned cityscape. In Yellow Dawn, one aspect of the Infection that dominates the daily life of survivors who have chosen not to seek sanctuary in the Living Cities, and is part of the pervasive Influence of Hastur, is the fact that the flora and fauna of Nature does not grow anywhere there are significant populations of Infected victims (erroneously called zombies by survivors and media). Even 10 years after the event known as Yellow Dawn happened, the Dead Cities remain free from the choking overgrowth of weeds, trees, wild grasses or anything else; adding to the intensely disturbing atmosphere to these places.

Here’s the video:


Story by Wes Ball. Produced by Oddball Animation


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David J Rodger – DATA

Insight into a Science Fiction Fan: Combat Vet and Post Apocalypse Guru Evan C Tells All

It’s Not Writers Who Are Interesting: It’s the Fans Who Read Their Work

Evan C science fiction post apocalypse book fan man behind Sanctuary on Facebook and advocate of French Fransisca axe as survival weapon

Evan C

Science Fiction Fans kick ass. Period. Look at the passion they hold for the work they follow. It is awesome. My particular flavour of science fiction is classed as Cyberpunk and has a sharp edge of Dark Fantasy: supernatural, occult, or H.P.Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. I’m also known for my post apocalypse books, set in the world of YELLOW DAWN.

I spend a lot of time on the Internet promoting my work. Outreach campaigns, social network management, engagement strategies, and having fun, digging into things I didn’t know about until some interesting soul throws a URL my way.

Sometimes you just get the measure of somebody online. A consistent vibe that “this is a good person”.

Meet Evan C.

He’s a reader. He’s a consumer of fiction. So writers, take note.

I approached him to do an interview because I believe science fiction fans will enjoy his Facebook page (Sanctuary) and networking through his enthusiasm for the genre.  He also, I feel, would make a rather fantastic character in a book.  So again, writers, take note.

My favourite part of this has to be Evan’s response on weaponry. I now want to buy an axe! And not any kind of axe but the very specific axe he talks about here.

Here’s Evan C, in words: Continue reading

Real Life Fiction: The Unknown Hipster

New York Homeless Man dresses in discarded fashion and crosses over into the post-apocalyptic survival look of Yellow Dawn

Unknown Hipster - New York Homeless Man  discarded fashion cross over into post-apocalyptic survival of Yellow Dawn - image Julia Chesky all rights reserved

Unknown Hipster – Image: Julia Chesky all rights reserved

What does this image really say?  A man that is immediately branded by a social stereotype because he is homeless.  Wearing brand items that ordinarily define people with an excess of wealth (real or borrowed).  It is a remarkably evocative photograph by Julia Chesky. It features a chap called Chris who lives on the streets in New York’s SoHo district. Chesky worked with him to create this image, along with Ali Lee, inspired by stories where homeless people have an integral part to play.  He has rich pickings of former-fashion items handed over or found.  He’s the Unknown Hipster.  Like a fictional character that can transcend his gritty reality to become something a little different; catching the eye, an interesting looking man, a man with an energy behind his gaze that suggests a hidden depth of character, somebody or something otherworldly… the gatekeeper to a secret realm, if you have the integrity and spirit to pass. He is the Sphinx with a human face. Superhero. Super-hobo. Supercool without being a fool. Small f. Continue reading