Time-worn d20 rolls out of ancient history

Centuries before Gary Gygax unleashed Dungeons & Dragons upon the world, ancient Egyptians were rolling the dice

The website for the Metropolitan Museum of Art displays an artifact from Ptolemaic–Roman Period. It’s a twenty-sided die (icosahedron) with faces inscribed with Greek letters, from 2nd century B.C.–4th century A.D.  The question is, were the Macedonians just role-playing when they decided to become Pharaohs?

Twenty-sided die (icosahedron) with faces inscribed with Greek letters Ptolemaic Period–Roman Period 2nd century BC–4th century AD

Rolling through history

You can view high-res image via the museum website, here.

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Kickstarter campaign: Shadowstar Corsairs by Ryan Wolfe fully funded and stretch goals smashed

There is still time to get involved in this exciting game of starships, commerce, politics and battle

Shadowstar Corsairs by Ryan Wolfe kickstarter campaign science fiction boardgame based on starships, commerce, politics and combat

Click to jump to kickstarter project and be involved…

As an independent starship captain granted letters of marque by ConFederation authorities, your job is to outmaneuver or outgun rival captains to prove that you alone should rule the Shadowstar Expanse. Deploy your crew and cargo shuttles to secure strategic positions and harvest vital resources. Invest in improving your ship or hire another to help you out. Reconstruct lost technology, play politics, and fulfill whatever contracts come your way to increase your reputation. It’s time to stake your claim!

As of 19th May 2015, $66,000 USD has been pledged smashing the $39,000 goal. Looks like a good product.

Click here to visit kickstarter and get involved. You’ve still got just under 15 hours. Hurry!

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